Friday, February 17, 2012

1800 vs. Patron

After I finally found my commercial on Youtube, I decided to take a look at the 1800’s other ad campaigns to see if they matched the format of the one I chose. I found that the most recent ad campaign included about eight commercials, all with the same actor, however, a few different techniques were used. The first, like the one I will be speaking about next week, attacks current social practices. A few were commentary on ‘manliness’ and a few attacked advertising methods.

The most interesting, however, is that many advertisements basically worked as attack ads against Patron’s brand of Tequila. More or less, the ads juxtaposed the possible lifestyles both brands of tequila had to offer. 1800 colored Patron as showy and foolish, while 1800 was refined, but still easy-going.

1800 Tequila (I guess) has this topper that can be doubled as a shot measurer, in that you simply turn the bottle upside-down while the toppers on and it pours you  a shot. 1800 then used a Patron bottle in the same ad, saying “What can your stopper do? Nothing”. And for some reason, while watching this commercial, the 1800 bottle began to look way better to me! The patron bottle just looked dumb with its little green ribbon and cork stopper. Because the actor in the commercial was, in a way, laughing at this useless bottle, I too wanted to view it as useless. I can honestly say, I was a little tricked by this.

I mean, tequila’s tequila’s tequila’s right? I’m sure the two are comparable value and comparable taste. I certainly wouldn’t have the refined palate enough to taste the difference… But this little attack add might lead me to buy 1800.

It really is interesting how many advertisements covertly attack other brands and products. This ad was just a little more blatant, and the honesty of them more or less saying their product is better seems kind of believable.

1 comment:

  1. The first reason these ads caught my eye when I saw them on TV was because of Michael Imperioli, Christopher Mutisanti from the Sopranos. The Sopranos is my #1 favorite tv show so I was instantly entertained by this advertisement. The fact that the bottle pours its own shot would appeal to many customers. The combination of a very well known actor, who was a heavy drinker in the show, and an innovative product makes for a successful commercial that almost kills Patron, although the Patron brand is very well known and infamous for its high quality and classy appeal.
